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Back in Hong Kong again!

After seven, nearly eight years away, I am back in Hong Kong, for the third time! Having first lived here when I was 11 years old and then again with my children when they were a similar age, we have now returned again. Hong Kong has been such a huge part of my life that although it constantly changes, it is always familiar. New buildings may go up, old ones come down, restaurants and shops come and go but the feel of Hong Kong remains the same.

Almost as soon as I was released from my three week quarantine, I was out and about with my sketchbook and watercolours. I quickly signed up to the urbansketchershk facebook group and was inspired by a submission request for an exhibition in the summer at the HK book fair. This gave me an incentive to get out and draw / paint as many HK declared monuments as I could in the short space of time available.

Here are the results!

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